Why aren’t you looking at Trump’s and Netanyahu’s role in this? Trump and Netanyahu (along with family friends Jared & IVANKA Kushner) PROVOKED this backlash by moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem. Trump wanted to pander to the conservative Jewish voters; Netanyahu did this to pander to his right-wing extremists. . . All this was done DESPITE warnings from seasoned experts on Middle East diplomacy.

The Hamas response was predictable—hell, I predicted it.

And NOT coincidentally, Putin personally drove in the convoy that invaded Crimea on that same day.

It was a tit-for-tat exchange.

So quit it already about blaming Pres. Biden for the fallout and focus on the players who PROVOKED THIS WAR.

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I recognize that this war should be viewed in a time frame stretching further back than October 7. But as the mass murders are unfolding right now in Gaza, it is Biden who is actively arming and rearming Israel (not that he invented the policy), it is Biden who is defending Israel diplomatically and vetoing cease fire resolutions, and it is Biden who is promoting the Israeli government justification for war on the people of Gaza.

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